
Welcome to Cloodot

An all-in-one reputation marketing software to automatically generate, monitor and market reviews for your businesses.

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An all-in-one reputation marketing software to automatically generate, monitor and market reviews for your businesses.

  • Indus

    Afdhel (Director)

    Cloodot's analytical instruments have enabled us to gain deeper understanding of our brand's online reputation and implement vital actions.

  • PAWL

    Sreekanth (Digital marketing)

    Very friendly and easy to use. Must say, that this is one of the best of all ‘reputation management’ tools that we have come across.

  • Apco

    Nith in (Digital marketing)

    Cloodot's canned replies & AI responses features are my favourite. They have saved us valuable time, ensuring prompt & consistent responses.

  • Marqland

    Raghul (Digital marketing)

    Cloodot has simplified reputation marketing for us. Love the features like Automated replying, AI responses, downloadable review cards, etc.